2073 City Decay
The darker the world becomes, the more we must remember to light up the world by ourself.
2073 City Decay X 北魏真書
One by one, the neon signs in the city are quietly being taken down. What’s being removed are the lights, but what’s disappearing is the shine of the city, the nostalgia of the past, and the traditional Chinese characters on the signs.
The fonts of these signs are reshaped and transformed into the computer font “Zansyu” (北魏真書體) of the virtual cosmos, destruction was turn into the fuel for creation.
A collaborative project with "Zansyu”
The characters "Eternity", "Future", "Togetherness", "Progress", "Shine" and "Love" in "Zansyu" are engraved onto silver rings. it is a record of the era, a brand new creation, and also a reminder for us. In the ruins and decay, these fragments of words become small beacons of light in the darkness. The darker the world becomes, the more we must remember to light up the world by ourself.
[Collapse Ring]
Collapse Ring
from HK$1,200.00
Collapse Ring Workshop
HK$2,500 / 2 pcs
HK$1,800 / 1 pc
[Ember Ring]
Ember Ring
from HK$1,080.00
About 2073 City Decay
In the collection of 2073 City Decay, there’s four phase combine as a jewellery collection.
Amidst a world of neon lights, where the darkness never fades, a city that sparkles in the night.
Here, in this cyberpunk world, invaders rewrite the norms that once defined our reality. What was once familiar has now become strange, yet strangely familiar all at once. Uncertainty and division reign in this nocturnal metropolis, as some resist in fear while others choose to accept and adapt.
Will this conflicting reality become our new normal?
About Zansyu
始於二〇一二年,以設計思維分析北魏書法的歷史文化和創作精神,結合不同年代遍佈香港城市街道和日常生活的北魏體應用例子,重新演繹成為「北魏真書體」字體設計。2018 年夏季出版《香港北魏真書》,書中收錄了南北朝魏碑、清代書法家趙之謙到四十至七十年代盛行香港的北魏招牌書法源流和藝術價値,其文化美學影響力遍及香港、澳門、東南亞、海外唐人街等。北魏真書計劃團隊成員來自字體設計和設計文化研究背景,包括計劃發起人字體設計師、太平山文字研究所總監陳濬人;設計編輯/研究員、創談室創辦人徐巧詩。
面對城市都市發展更替、科技月異、書法招牌字瀕臨消逝,北魏真書團隊深信傳統文化的價值,能夠成為當代設計基礎的養分,透過與電腦科技、美學和設計研究結合,重新演繹成為適合數位時代應用的北魏真書字體設計。二〇二三年,「北魏真書體」於嘖嘖集資平台成功獲得群眾支持,字體製作計劃並在二〇二四年夏季完成試用版,歡迎電郵至beiweizansyu@gmail.com 查詢購買方案。